Annual Paphiopedilum Forum
Awards, Prizes and Raffles
Awards, Prizes and Raffles
Each Class has First, Second, Third, and Honorable Mention ribbons.
For “Best of” in each Major Category, there is a rosette as follows:
- Best Paph Species
- Best Paph Novelty or Primary Hybrid
- Best Standard, Complex Paph
- Best Paph Miniature Hybrid
- Best Phrag Species
- Best Phrag Standard Hybrid
- Best Phrag Miniature Hybrid
- Best Cypripedium or Selenipedium
- Best Antique Hybrid
- Best Foliage (non-flowering) Slipper Orchid
- Best Ugly Slipper
Best Plant Culture (rosette)
Best Plant in Show (rosette)
Sponsored by The Slipper Orchid Alliance, will be decided based on a count of individual ballots cast by registrants.
All registrants are eligible for three door prize drawings for plants obtained from Forum vendors. The door prize drawing ticket is included as part of the registration and the ticket will be given to you when you check in and pick up your name tag.
All participants (registrants and vendors) that exhibit plants will receive one raffle chance for each plant that they show. Three raffle drawings are held in separate categories for enthusiasts and commercial growers who exhibit plants.
Enthusiasts whose names are picked in the drawing win merchandise certificates to commercial growers who are vendors at the Forum. Commercial grower vendors whose names are picked in the drawing become grantors of the merchandise certificates. The Paph Forum reimburses the vendors for the certificates.
Enthusiasts must use their merchandise certificate with the designated vendor on the day of the Forum.

Why Membership
Our membership is made up of growers with a wide range of experience who share best practices and help each other. By becoming an active member of our community, you will have the opportunity to discuss how to grow these wonderful plants with other orchid growers, be provided access to plant stock from growers around the country and from the collections of other members, and receive regular communications about local events, activities, and orchid culture.
Contact Us
Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!