Annual Paphiopedilum Forum
American Orchid Society Judging
American Orchid Society Judging
The Paphiopedilum Forum is a sanctioned American Orchid Society show and judging will be conducted. All exhibitors agree to abide by the rules for judging contained in the AOS “Handbook on Judging and Exhibition”. All plants exhibited at the Forum will be considered entered for AOS judging unless otherwise marked by the exhibitor.
AOS Judges Information:
Any accredited, probationary, or student AOS judge is cordially invited to judge at the Forum. All judges wishing to attend any of the Forum activities, including sales, must pre-register and pay the attendance fee, which will include lunch.
**IMPORTANT NOTE** AOS Judging may run concurrently with some Forum activities.

Why Membership
Our membership is made up of growers with a wide range of experience who share best practices and help each other. By becoming an active member of our community, you will have the opportunity to discuss how to grow these wonderful plants with other orchid growers, be provided access to plant stock from growers around the country and from the collections of other members, and receive regular communications about local events, activities, and orchid culture.
Contact Us
Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!